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Riolo exhaust springs size 83mm

€ 1,50 each Iva included Riolo Code: 41012  
size: 83mm

Product information

Riolo exhaust springs size 83mm

Exhaust springs serve to securely hold the exhaust to the cylinder in 2-stroke and 4-stroke engines and the collector to the head and/or muffler. They are mounted between the exhaust and a mounting ring on the cylinder. These springs provide enough compression force to keep the exhaust securely in place and prevent the escape of exhaust gases, but at the same time are flexible enough to allow for some freedom of movement to compensate for thermal expansions and vibrations during engine operation.

The exhaust spring is available in various sizes and it is advisable to follow the engine or exhaust system manufacturer's recommendations for selecting the correct size of exhaust springs. When replacing springs, you can use springs of equivalent size or choose springs with slightly different specifications, but it is important to verify that the compression force is adequate to ensure a perfect seal of the exhaust system. The size indicated is the size of the spring at rest.

When to replace exhaust springs?
Exhaust springs should be replaced when they show signs of wear or when their compression force has reduced to the point of compromising the seal of the exhaust system. Some of the most common signs of wear of exhaust springs include:
• Exhaust gas escape: if you notice that exhaust gases are escaping from the muffler, it may be necessary to replace the exhaust springs.
• Excessive vibrations: exhaust springs that vibrate excessively may indicate that their compression force has reduced.
• Corrosion: rusty or corroded exhaust springs may indicate advanced wear and should be replaced.
• Age: even if there are no obvious signs of wear, exhaust springs may weaken over time. In this case, it may be necessary to replace them every few years to ensure a perfect seal of the exhaust system.

To mount it, an exhaust spring puller tool, which can be found among the related items, might be useful.

The image reflects the exact shape of the product.

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