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Lampa large funnel

€ 5,00 each Iva included Lampa Code: 67029  

Product information

Lampa large funnel

The **Lampa Maxi Transfer Funnel** is a versatile and practical accessory, perfect for various applications. Here's what makes it special:

1. **Multi-purpose with Filter**: This funnel is designed for multiple uses. You can use it for transferring liquids such as oil, fuel, or other fluids. The integrated filter helps to separate any impurities.

2. **Liquid Resistant**: Made of **PP (polypropylene)**, the funnel is resistant to oils and fuels. You can use it without worrying about damage.

3. **Optimal Dimensions**:
- Inlet: Ø 185 mm
- Outlet: Ø 25 mm
- Height: 210 mm

4. **Easy to Use**: With ergonomic dimensions and shape, the funnel fits well in hand during pouring. Its height allows for comfortable work without bending too much.

In summary, the Lampa Maxi Transfer Funnel is a reliable companion for your pouring and transferring needs.

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